Friday, July 25, 2008

The world has lost a kind soul

While signing on to read email, I caught the headline that Randy Pausch died this morning. I am truly saddened by this. I know I am just one of millions when I say I have been truly touched by his words, but this man really did leave a mark before he died.

One of my best friends turned me onto his "last lecture" and somedays I feel like I should watch it again just for the reminder of what life is really about. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what is going to happen with my job, or with school, or on all the things that aren't going right with my life, I lose focus of what is.

I have a great husband and a good job. I have a supportive family and good health. I dont' have pancreatic cancer. The last one was more than Randy could say, but he never dwelled on it. One of the things he did dwell on was deciding if you are going to be a Tigger or an Eyore. I think I have spent too much time not being a Tigger.

I think in the end what made Randy so popular was the fact he was a normal guy. Granted the guy did some brillant things and was a renown professor, but I think to most, he was a normal guy with a great message. The whole point behind his message was nothing to earth shattering, but Randy was the kind of guy you could listen to, and because he was such a great story teller (as opposed to lecturer) you were instantly wrapped up in his life.

So though I never personally new the guy, I can say that today is a sad day because he is gone.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Holy crap life got busy

But really, what did I expect?

So you all probably figured out that school started - noted by the fact I havent posted anything in a month. Sorry about that. But I am on the downhill run of my first class so hopefully I can be better about posting.

School aside, life has been a little stressful for me. DOE recently announced the awarding of the contracts where I work. To keep it simple, the company I work for did not win the contract I work for. So within the next 60 days one of three things will happen...

1. I will go to work for a different company.
2. I will go to work for a different contract.
3. I become unemployed.

Obviously we are not voting for number 3. On top of that the DH's work just merged with another company and today when we picked up 3 days worth of mail, there was a rather thick packet from his current employer.

"What the heck is that hon?"
"That is my walking papers".
"Ya, they are firing all of us and making us reapply for our jobs".

Ok, yes I realize that this is just a formality and he will most likely get his job back, but this has completly freaked me out. So technically, there is a chance (a very small chance, but a chance nonetheless) that within the next 60 days, we may both be unemployed. And that makes me very uneasy. But for the sake of my sanity and sleeping patters, I am not going to dwell on it.

I just got home from 4 days in Bellingham participating in the blessed Clay Cup event. This is Christmas to my inlaws and a bit of a marathon event for me. A marathon event because it encompasses lots of racing, late nights (with lots of beer) and A TON of people of whom I would not normally associate with. Don't get me wrong, I really like a lot of the people who are regulars to this track, but since this is a special event, it attracts some people of different backgrounds from all over this state as well as others near by. These are the type of people who will be yelling the F word all the way across the track campground at like 5 in the morning. These are the type of people I like to label as "mouth breathers". But I survived, and though the DH didn't have a very good weekend (car broke, car wrecked, car get the point) it was nice to be back (as I have not attended this event for the last 3 years).

Probably the best part of the weekend was that mom housesat for us and cleaned. My mother has a level of cleanliness that can only be described using words such as "sterile" and "hospital-like", but I love it when she cleans for me. So it was nice to come home to a clean abode.

And if you are keeping score, checked in with Hobbs, the orange cat who now belongs to my brother-in-law and his family, and he could not be happier. They love him and he loves being there. So I guess things really do happen for a reason, and I am glad he is happy.

Of course, not as happy as Thule is that he is gone.