Friday, October 2, 2009

No time

I've been a super lousy poster lately. Trust me when I say my facebook page has not been much better. It's just that in the last 5 weeks or so, my life has exploded into a form of craziness that I cannot quite describe. Simply put, I have way way too much stuff going on right now. Work has been especially busy with dealines approaching for required trainings, pressure from bosses to get things caught up, drama with people (those close to me know way too much about that subject) and the list goes on. Realistically, I should be working some serious OT, but the fact of the matter is, I can't. I am also trying to get 2 classes done right now for school, and that eats up a lot of my spare time. I really don't know what I was thinking taking these two classes this session (scratch that, I know what I was thinking....I WANT TO BE DONE) but I have survived 5 weeks of the maddess of that, and so I only have 3 to go, and then go ahead and tack on increased gym drama combined with trying to memorize new chorey for launch...and I'm officially burned out.

I'm trying to manage everything the best I can, which doesn't exactly mean sitting here and writin on my blog, but I had to break from writing a paper. So anyway, to any of my friends who feel neglected...don't. And I wish I had something more interesting to put here...but the only thoughts running through my head right now pertain to writing my paper on the movie "12 Angry Men". Laters.