Friday, January 8, 2010

Winding back up...

My friends have been giving me grief about having a blog and never writing on it. Yes - you all are right. But the sad fact of the matter is, sometimes I just get tired of sitting at a computer. But since life is about to get crazy again, I figure I ought to get a post in before I no longer have the time to.

Today is really kind of my last day of freedom before starting my thesis next week. I have really enjoyed not having school for the last 3 weeks or so, but the whole time I have had this thesis looming over my head like the dark cloud that it is. I am really ready to be done. I guess I wouldn't fear this thing so much if I felt like I had a good direction going into it. As it is, I get to somehow confine myself to my house all day tomorrow to do research in an attempt to have a proposal ready before class starts.

Okay - I have the next 4 months to whine about this thesis. Enough of that for now.

Christmas was wonderful this year. The whole family had a very nice time together and as always, the time was so great and so short. New Year's has come - and I suppose the only resolution I can think of is resolving to NOT add anything more to my plate. We shall see how that works out.

All in all, 2009 was a great year. I am probably the healthiest I have every been, even considering my school loan, the most financially secure I have ever been, my marriage is good, my parents are healthy, and I really couldn't ask for more. In 2010 I want to see my friends more, bike more, and save more money. School prevented me from doing most of that, but I know that is a venture that will eventually pay off (keyword here being "eventually").

Well, I should go now and take care of some of the 20,000 things sitting on my "to do" list. If you don't see another post for a while - be paitent. I promise to keep up this blog, even if it's just every so often.

Thank you all for your love and support throughout the years. It means a lot. :)