Sunday, August 17, 2008

I suck at blogging...

You know, as much as I thought it was a novel concept to keep a journal, I was never much good at it. Why did I think I would be any better at an electronic version?

Anyway, life continues to be hectic. Turned 27 last Friday (as exciting as that is) it seems like every year I turn a year older, and that age just sounds so old. To me, 27 sounds way older than 26. Ug. But mom and I went up to Spokane for a bit of retail therapy, had some fun, and didn't spend too much money.

Life continues to kind of be weird on the job front. I should know more tomorrow as to whether or not I will be employed and if my new employer has tuition reimbursement. I got an A- out of my first class, so I am feeling pretty good and would like to continue. Its been a though question in my mind as to what I will do if this new company does not reimburse. I have wanted my masters for so long, but do i want it if it means a large student loan. I just don't know.

On a lighter note, it has become apparent I am a complete glutton for punishement and have entered another half marathon. I really was not planning on doing another one, but I have a co-worker who seems to think it would be really neat if we had this competition with each other and do the race together. I finally got tired of him bugging me about it and entered. So I have not a whole lot of time to get my self ready for this race. The only real reason why I am doing it is because I am interested in seeing what my time would be doing a race that is flat, with good weather, and not feeling like crap (all factors in the sub-par half marathon I ran last April). So we shall see, none the less it will be interesting.

I will try and do better about posting during this next couple of weeks I am off from school.

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