Wednesday, November 11, 2009

coming back down...

October was an especially crazy month. Stupid crazy. But it's done and I survived. I took my first "B" (albeit a B+) in my coursework, but I'm honestly okay with that. The class was challenging, and if I had not been taking another class co-currently I probably could have done better - but who really cares?

It's getting close to Thanksgiving. Close to Christmas...close to the end of the year. Some events of this week have brought me to look back on '09 and evaluate. While there were moments, all in all, I can say it's been a good year. I have worked hard to get where I'm at, and I am proud of the things I have accomplished. I've set goals, and accomplished some, and still working on others.

As 2009 rounds out I can now say I have lived in this town for over 6 years. In those six years I found love, what I hope to be a career, and several passions along the way. I've learned a lot about myself, and I've learned a lot about other people, and my relationships with them. I have some great relationships. Some I get to experience everyday, and some I get to experience only on occasion. I'm very appreciative for all my relationships. Some I get to enjoy and embrace, some I get to learn and grow from. Some grow stronger every day, and others wilt and fade away. Whatever the state of the relationship, it's been a blessing.

To all my friends - currently and in the past - thank you for your blessings.

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