Wednesday, June 23, 2010

hello third trimester!

And here you are in full force!

Well, I most certaintly see what people mean by the second trimester being the "honeymoon" phase. I think I read somewhere that in the second, you are past being sick (I wasn't) but not so big you can't do stuff (true) so that's when people enjoy being preggo the most. I can see that. Just recently I have started to feel what I call the more "grinding" and "annoying" aspects of having this large mass between my rib cage and my hips. Breaths are harder to take (I can no longer eat dinner on our couch - too slouched over and I can't eat or breathe) and shoes are becoming harder to tie. I'm not one who is real used to not being able to do things, so being limited in any respect is somewhat frustrating to me.

But I do continue to go to the gym and work out - which in the midst of the insanity that is the rest of my life, is my one welcomed daily break. Even after determining tonight that I might be done with spin (again, it's that whole breathing thing) I know that I can still go and lift some weights, and do the elliptical and that will keep me happy and sane.

The nursery is ready to go - still need to pick up a lot of "basics", but that will come in time. Other than that, not a whole lot of anything exciting to report. We have not picked out a name yet...and honestly, when we do, I don't know that we will divulge (much to the dismay of the rest of our family). Hey...gotta keep some surprises, right?

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