Monday, May 26, 2008


I think thats a word anyway....

I have thought a couple times about the direction I want to take this blog. I don't know that my life is interesting enough to do just sort of a "this is what I am doing now" blog (perhaps that will change after children enter the picture) so that brings me to writing about some sort of journey, but again, what journey do I feel the need to write about?

Some of my favorite blogs are about people and weight loss. Problem is, while I have lost some weight and I struggle everyday with keeping it off, I don't know I have a driving desire to rountinely publish my thoughts about food and exercise (though I do occasionaly enjoy a rant about the gym).

I do spend a lot of time looking at my life "from above". Who am I, and what brings me to act the way I do, and feel the way I do about things? Again, is any of this really worth publishing in a format able to read by anyone? (most of whom probably don't care?)I don't really know. Sometimes I fight such an empty feeling and I don't know what it is that causes it. Sometimes I think its a lack of girlfriends here, and some times I think not. I just know that I have filled my life FULL of activities and yet....

But perhaps these are thoughts and feelings better left for not so public places. So for something a bit lighter...I am currently struggling with how much longer I am going to continue my position at the gym. School is starting soon and I know I am going to need the time after work, but it seems like every class I have someone who lets me know how much they enjoy my class and the way I teach. Its so nice to feel loved. Too many activities Fallon, too many activities. More on this later.

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