Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Tuesday that was such a Monday

I had a miserable day. I am still having a miserable day as I am dealing with the remains of a migraine I got while attempting to do class. Normally when I have tried to get migrains during class I can work through them, but not tonight and I actually had to cut my 60 minute class short. I felt horrible doing it, but I figured up-chucking my lunch in front of the members wasn't going to do anything for my numbers.

So I came home and the DH was making dinner, and not only made dinner, but cleaned the kitchen all while I tried to nap my way out of this headache (is it really a nap at 7:00 at night?). And that was probably the best part of the day.

Work was just crappy today. I love my job. I really do. The problem is, is that I am so inexperienced at my job and my work life that sometimes is just makes things really difficult. If there is one thing I don't deal real well with is looking stupid infront of other people. And I feel like I have done a lot of that lately. People at work are very understanding and willing to work with me, and that helps, but I hate not being able to be confident in what I do. And I have felt that way since I left my last job over a year ago. I know it takes time, but I am your typical impatient girl.

Tomorrow is another day. And I am golfing tomorrow. So that will either be really good, or really bad. Lets hope for really good.

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