Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Father Time

Last weekend was decent. Had a good ride in Seattle with one of my best friends. Well, actually after kind of a scattered start to the morning (which included the friend hitting another car on the way into the park, and me forgetting my helmet which made us have to go get another one)we got started on one of the hardest rides I have ever done.

So on the way home, since Sunday was Father's Day, I decided to spend the day with the folks. Dad and I went out to play nine holes. While it was nice, it was a further reminder of why I have such a hard time spending time with my parents. My Dad will be 75 in December and there are times he shows his age. I guess no one wants to think about their parents getting old, and it seems like I am thinking about it more and more. I am thankful that he is healthy, but it makes me sad when I see he can't do some of the stuff he loves because he just doesn't have the movement. Its even worse when he starts talking about things and events he won't live long enough to see.

I feel bad my two sisters are not around more to share in this time of Dad's life. I wish they were, if maybe only because it would give me someone else to bounce feelings off of.

And to top things off, I have a gigantic zit on my forhead that I think just keeps getting bigger. Sheesh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What to do?

Gotta make this one kinda short - headed off for jury duty soon.

So last Friday I brought home a cat. Now, keeping in mind I already have one cat and one dog, but the cat needed a home and I think we have room for one more.

I love this cat. His name is Hobbs and he is just great. Problem is, no one else in the house seems to care much for him. The dog doesn't mind him, (but he doesn't like the dog) Thule HATES HIM WITH A HUGE AMOUNT OF CAT PASSION and I while the DH says he likes him, I think he really doesn't want another cat.

So we made arrangements for the in-laws who live in Mt. Vernon to take him. My sister-in-law called last night to say they would take him and I was instantly sad. I was sad all night last night. I feel guilty for bringing him into this house of strife and now I am going to move him again. I really don't want to. I really want to keep him.

Everyone I talked to says to just give the other animals time and they will become okay with each other. I tend to agree with this, but the DH doesn't think our other cat will ever be accepting. Now I have this issue of the in-laws say they want him, so can I re-nig?

I guess I just don't know what is right for Hobbs. I wish I could just ask him what he wanted to do.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Life is so good right now I can hardly stand it

I like the fact I can change the colors of my blog. I may do it often.

So right now I am sitting at my new computer, listening to a great cd, drinking a glass of wine, and listening to my otherwise quiet house.

::Hold on, gotta go get a refill::

Ok then. My house is quiet because the husband is out of town and the dog and cat don't make much noise. When the DH is gone, I don't ever turn on the television (with the exception of tomorrow night when I watch my Netflix movie 27 Dresses - oh ya, baby its a girl night).

I swear, I would probably be perfectly content with just the minimal of what I would need to watch the occasional movie and never any television. But I digress.

I don't know at what point it was in my relationship that I started really looking forward to nights by myself. Last night the DH tells me that he is sad I won't be joining him this weekend. My first reaction was of course "ahh...thats sweet". But not too far behind that was "I am so looking forward to this time by I'm really not that sad to not be going" (I didn't tell him that, but I am pretty sure he knows anyway).

I came home, made a nice healthy dinner of blue hake fish, some white rice (leftover) and spinich (and of course wine) and have been having such a nice night. Its too bad I have to go work tomorrow or this night would be absolutley perfect. I guess to a degree I think (or, I hope?) this is a sign of a healthy marriage. I can enjoy my time around him (though I wish we did more quality activities together) but when he is gone I dont' have to sit at home missing and pining away.

In other news, I officially have 10 days left before I start school. Which brings me to the re-occuring question I have as to how long I will be able to keep the gym up and do class. One of the other instructors at the gym quit this week and while I was sorry to see her go, I was a bit envious. The gym thing is difficult for me, and I think it will only continue to get more difficult. I really want to quit, but nights like tonight make it so hard to actually walk away.

I had a pretty full class tonight. And it was one of those classes where everyone was "there". I didn't feel like I had to do much motiviating and eventhough I was super sore and tired from 4 straight days of working out, when all was said and done, I was still 700 calories lighter and drenched with sweat. That does not come from self-motivation. It comes from the energy I get back from the members who are obviously digging my coaching (hmm...maybe they are just digging the music and are actually tuning me out all together).

(note to self: gotta take the litter box out of the office because listening to the cat pee is ruining my serene moment.)

Anyway, then there are my regulars who tell me how much they love me. I love that, but there is such a huge part of me that just wants to be a participant. I just want to work out and not have to think. Ahh, but maybe that is just laziness. Who knows, I don't want to think about it.