Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So, it is official. I got my offer letter and come October 1st, I will still be employed! Life is good. I will be doing the same job, in the same location, but with a bit more responsibility, which is ok. Not everyone got the same deal I did, so I consider myself one of the lucky ones.

That box is checked. And while that is good, I have not been back to running. I don't think I am going to run any more until next Spring. I just don't want to do it right now.

Short post for today as I am typing this at work, and I guess I should go do some actual work. Of course now I need to find some other interesting factoid of my life to write about.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Things with work are still in limbo. Information changes daily. At the beginning of the week I got a call that I was going to be picked up by the "new company" (which is good) but now today we got confirmation that the project I work for will be shut down in the next four months. Great. So as of right now I still don't have any idea what my employment looks like.

I think the stress of not knowing is finally starting to really get to me. I went out for a run tonight and once again, it just sucked. The weather is beyond gorgeous right now, and everytime I go out my body just protests. I mean, geez, tonight about half way through my (so-long) four miles I got a cramp. Not a side cramp, not a leg cramp, but a cramp in my back, right behind my left shoulder blade. I didn't even know you could cramp there.

I am just a little tired of everything right now. I feel very unsettled and its making me cranky. I am back to my usual state of feeling like I am fighting my weight and my trips into the gym have been less than stellar all around. I am back in class, but its hard to get focused when I am constantly asking whether or not this class is going to make any difference if I can't finish the program.

During my run I thought quite a bit about the blogs I follow (don't ask my why). I follow this one because I want to be like her.

I just think if she can do it, so can I. I just wish I had the time to dedicate to the training the she apparently does.

I follow a lot of blogs that deal with weight loss. I like these because they seem to be incredibly insightful. and (on this second one, it looks as if she is no longer posting, but if you have a mintue, she has a ton of writing on her page and some of it is incredible).

I have several blogs of friends I follow just to keep up on their lives (much the point of this blog). But then I follow this one to just remind myself of how lucky I am.

I have so much in my life. I have my health, I have a husband, I have friends. Which is why I don't understand why I let this job thing bug me so much. In the grand scheme of things, its just not that important.

I can say it. But deep down, for some reason, I don't believe it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Taking time out for something positive

Ok, enough of the doom and gloom for one post.

I just had one of the most amazing weekends I have had in a long time. Amazing not because I did anything special just amazing because of who it was spent with.

I spent the vast majority of the three day weekend with two other couples. Its kind of interesting because of the three couples, you have one couple who's been dating for a few months, one couple who just got engaged, and then there's Sherman and I who've been married for 2+ years. Makes for some interesting dynamics, but always fun.

What made this amazing was that for the first time I felt like I had a social life in the Tri-Cities. We hung around people who were close to our age, childless, and wanted to go out and have a good time. I have missed this feeling as the only people I really get this with are my two best friends who live far away in opposite directions. So anyway, fun times.

And now I can go back to gloom. I am once again reminded about how much I hate applying for new jobs. Ug.