Thursday, November 6, 2008

Blogging because I feel the need to

Its been a bit of an ugly week - between the election, work, school, gym, I am flat exhausted.

Let first start with school. I am a little disappointed to see that NO ONE left any comments on my last post/paper. But then again, I probably wouldn't comment on it either. I only need one person to like it anyway... I have decided I am most likely going to write my final research paper for this class on blogging because I am finding it to be a rather interesting subject. I have only read one article on it so far and have found some of the concepts surrounds blogs to be rather curious. Do I blog because its a good way to keep in contact with many people quicky and with minimal effort? Or do I blog because I just like to hear myself talk (is this just a forum for one?). I will let you know what I come up with.

As so I gotta talk about it - the election. The DH and I voted the same, but my mother and my best friend voted opposite. And I have had to endure quite a bit of conversation from both about who the right person is to win this race. I am disappointed. I don't know if I am more disappointed in the presidental election or our state governor race, but its close. I am just going to try and remain optimistic. But I am scared.

Work - is kicking my arse. I still struggle so much with this position in that at times I am way over my head, and I am just scrambling to get done what I am able. Sometimes I get tired of feeling so incompetitent. I just want to feel confident in my job. I think if I can just make it to Christmas, the first of the year will be better.

Gym - this is an added stress for me right now that I probably don't need. I am trying so hard to get myself qualified to teach a kickboxing class. Right now that means just taking as many classes as I can. So I am currently taking kickboxing on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, and teaching spin on Tuesday and Thursday. I don't know how much longer I can continue this schedule. My body is starting to object a bit and its really hard on the weekly schedule. I just don't have enough time. But I have another month of having to do this. My weekend long training for the class is December 5th, and I need to get as much practice as I can before then. So I guess I will just have to buck up and deal with it. I find it interesting how I have gone from thinking I was going to quit when i started school to tryint to do a new program. Sometimes I wonder why I do the things I do.

School - not much to say here except that I am ready for a few weeks without it.

I am wondering if I have a breaking point. I don't want to find out, but I am a little tired of being this busy. Ok - no more whining. Everything is optional. Nobody is making me do any of this.


T said...

can I ask why you are scared?

Fallon said...

About the election? Well, nothing keeps me up at night, but I am afraid of taxes being raised, the economy not getting better - have heard some rumors about a "civilian army" (don't know if they are true, hope their not). But like I said - I am trying to remain optimistic.

Unknown said...

Living in one of the places where people were in the streets dancing after the elections, I'm not so much scared as incredibly curious. I will admit I'm worried about the fact that everything - Congress, the House, and President - is Democratic. I like balance, and I don't think having everything be one party is good - would feel the same way if they were all Republican. So, I'm really curious. Yeah, we've heard that the taxes will be raised for only those making $250K and up, but it's surprising how fast that can start to drop too close for comfort. So - definitely curious what the next 4 years will bring. But you know what has me the most sad? The response to the Prop 8 in Cali. Just sad.