Monday, November 24, 2008

The end of an era

So last weekend marked kind of a momentus event. Sherman sold his race car. Now those who know me well know that the race car was the subject of MANY discussions/issues/fights/sore feelings/happy feelings and other "things" of the like in my marriage. Over the almost 7 years I have known Sherman he has raced and sometimes it was really great, and sometimes it wasn't, but it was one of the things he loved to do.

For as much as I have had strong feelings about this hobby, and as much as my family has had very strong feelings about this hobby, its hard to be hugely critical of something that created an opportunity for us to start out relationship. When Sherman and I first met, we lived 300 miles apart, but we were able to make a relationship work because he was in Bellingham every weekend to race. It worked really well for a couple of years.

But then I graduated and moved, but racing didn't. Even though we both now lived in the same town, racing was still 300 miles away. And in the mean time, life proceeded to happen. A house was bought, a marriage happened, and yet still, racing remained. These last couple of years it was actually fun for both of us as I got to work in the pits on the car and become more involved overall. But every year it just gets harder. Gas gets more expensive, schedules start filling up, and house projects start to happen. And in the end, the smart decision was made.
After talking to a co-worker about this, he asked me what Sherman was going to do now. "Because he has to have something to do". I personally think doting over me is hobby enough, but I can see where that would not be much fun for him, so the answer right now is I don't know. It never occured to me that he might find another hobby that would more consuming than racing, but I don't think he will. Regardless, with two brothers still racing in Bellingham we are guaranteed to still make frequent trips there during the summer. Which is ok because I really like the area.
So to my husband, I know this was a hard decision for you. But it just reinforces my beliefe that I married the right man. Thank you.

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