Sunday, February 15, 2009

A potential new addition to the family

So we are potentially adding a new member to the family tonight. On Saturday I stopped into our neightborhood pet store, Blylee's Animal Health center, to pick up some treats for the pets and on my way out there was a card on their reader board for a female brindle boxer needing a home. Well, I probably should have just walked on, but I didn't. I called the number and talked to the family. They are bringer her over tonight to check out our residence to see if she is a good fit.

I am not so sure we need another dog....but we have always wanted to get Newman a friend, and this might be a good thing. Who knows...we shall see. Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

FYI - I know you had fun with the title of your post. As I was logging on to post, I glanced down and had a "WHAT?!" moment.