Saturday, February 28, 2009

When you don't have kids...

You are left to gush about your dogs. Thats right...I said dogs. Plural. As in, two.

So we went ahead and added a new dog to our family. This dog came to us with the name of "Princess" and since I couldn't call her that name without getting a little quesy, we have sinced changed her name to "Chase".

And so I have to say... she is just a darling. She is quite a bit smaller than our other moose of a boxer and has just a sweet personality. It made me smile tonight when Sherman said "she's been a good addition".

So far it's been fun having both of them. Outside of having to buy another dog house today (to the tune of $150) she has been a lot of fun. And I think Newman appreciates her as well.

So anyway....what else? Well, another one bit the dust last weekend. Sherman's brother, Clennon, married his girl Sara in a nice little ceremony in Mt. Vernon. The ceremony was nice, the reception was fun, and I drank way, way too much white wine. I find the older I get, I get a lot smarter about the way I drink. No longer do I think any drink with a "name" (think "Fuzzy Navel" or "Sex on the Beach") is a good idea. Of course that does not stop me from drinking enough wine and beer to regret it the next morning. Oh well, all in the name of fun.

And so one wedding down, two (possibly three) to go. It's a big wedding year for Sherman and I. But that's okay because I love weddings. Especially cake.
I am one week away from finishing my fourth class in my master's program. That would be approx 1/3 the way done. It feels like I should be so much further. Sigh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your new addition is fitting right in!