Sunday, May 3, 2009

A momentus feat...

For some unknown reason, when the DH and I got married, we got NO cross family photos. Consequently I have been trying ever since to get as many of the family together to get a photo done.

And this weekend looked like it was still not going to happen. The photographer (who I have had booked for several weeks) called me on Saturday morning to cancel, because it was raining. Well, much to my dismay it got really nice about 2 hours after the time we were supposed to do it. Well, after sulking for the rest of the day on Saturday my mother goes "Well, what about Sunday?" So we reschedule it for today and the weather tried really hard to ruin our plans AGAIN, but we were able to get it done. So I think there will be some really good photos of Mom, Dad, me, Sherman, the in-laws, and of course...our children, Newman and Chase. I am really excited to see how they turned out.

As a side note, I am done with school unil May 18th. I'm feeling a little lost right now not having anything immediatley due. Of course, I know I need to enjoy it because the rest of the summer is going to really suck as far as school is concerned. But come the end of summer I will be nearly done with this program. Yea!

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