Sunday, August 9, 2009

My 10 year high school reunion

Friday night I traveled back to Yakima for a night of reconnection with people I spent a great deal of time with 10 years ago. The husband did not attend with me, which was fine, and all in all, it was a good night.

High school for me was the epitome of awkward. I was a completly different person then. Hard to believe, but I was much more opinionated, and frankly, bitchy, then I am now. I was excited to "show" people the person I have become.

But the night came around, and I really didn't conversate with those people who I wanted to show up. It was like the same high school cliques 10 years later. Now, that might sound a bit harsh, but I mainly spent the night with the same group of people I was friends with 10 years ago. It was really nice to reconnect with them, and it made me miss them.

There was a part of me that didn't want to go. That part of me that remembers how I felt in high school. Intimidated, trying to fit in with people who were prettier, smarter, more athletic, more funny, and all around, just better people (or at least I thought at the time). I didn't need another night of trying to feel equal to those people. It was really funny to see how 10 years changed people though. Not so much physically, but humanly. 10 years later, we were all working adults, some with kids, some married, but adults. Those people who treated me like absolute crap in high school wanted to know how I was, what I was doing, if I was married....and some of those people I didn't even remembe their names. What does that say about me?

But at the end of the night, I had a really good time reconnecting with the friends that mattered the most - and enjoyed seeing the different paths people have taken over the past 10 years. Wonder what the next 10 will bring.


Char said...

It was so fun seeing you and getting to catch up!!!

Unknown said...

Good for you actually GOING to your 10 year! I didn't go to mine...funny thing is I would rather have attended the 10 year reunion of the class before me. I think I was better friends with people in that class than I was with people in my own class. Though I will also admit I was surprised to find people I actually wanted to connect with on FB that I had graduated with. Maybe I'll try the 20-year reunion.