Sunday, May 18, 2008


At last...the sun. Glorious, glorious sun. Spent all weekend out in the sun. Regretting it now.

Moving on to more interesting matters. On Friday I received word that I have officially been accepted to graduate school at Gonzaga. Apparently I am the talk of the admissions office as I completed my application file in 9 days (a process that normally takes 6-8 weeks). My speed of completion was significantly helped by the fact that, unlike WSU Tri-Cities, Gonzaga will accept my less than stellar GMAT score (so I didn't have to take another admissions exam...THANK GOD). In a way I guess I am glad I got it done quickly. Gave me less time to talk myself out of it.

And on Friday my admissions counselor asks me how I feel after he tells me the news. Of course the first emotion is excitement, but following very close behind is "scared shitless". I have been out of school for 4 years. I feel a bit out of practice on this whole studying business. Plus now my life is ultracomplicated by jobs, husband, gym, trying to keep myself from becoming a fat cow....

But I digress. I am scared, but I just keep telling myself that I will be fine. I can do this, it will all be ok. On Saturday I went to a graduation for a friend who was receiving her masters and it kind of reinforced my feelings of how bad I want this. I guess I am just relying on the fact that everything just kind of seems to be falling into place which tells me this is right. This is what I should be doing. I just hope I still feel that way after I start repaying the student loan.

As a side note, to answer the obvious question of "how are you going to go to Gonzaga while living in Tri-Cities", the answer is "online". This is another new avenue for me. One which I would not have taken except I live in the shittiest part of the start for higher education (unless you want a degree in a hard science field, there is exactly no options for normal folk). So again, new experiences.

But hey, these new experiences are leading to new stuff, which is always fun. On Thursday I ordered a new computer because something tells me that my little Compaq laptop probably won't cut it for the type of computer work I am going to be doing.

But as exciting as all this is, at the end of this beautiful weekend, my little kayak did not see water. This makes me a bit sad. I fear a bit that now I will have one more reason to not be out enjoying my toys. But I am going to put that guilt aside for right now and promise I will get it out on Wednesday. Hopefully the weather will be good.


Char said...

Yay for you! I'm half-way through my master's program, it's a lot of work, but it's kinda neat being back in school. Especially since I've been on the other side of the desk for 5 years! You'll do great--the homework still stinks, but it's worth it!

T said...

Hey you! I am keeping myself updated by reading your blog religiously! I am so proud of you! I miss you lots! We will need to make time for eachother this summer. I have 3 day weekends all summer long!!!!

Jason Strickling said...

Congratulations Fallon! Fill me in on what you'll be studying...