Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow, 2009 is officially upon us. What do I want to do differently with this year than the past?

I resolve to:

1. Worry less about what I think people think about me (because I'm usually wrong).
2. Spend more time finding the good in people.
3. Be a better wife.
4. Worry less about what I look like below the neck.
5. Quit taking on new projects.
6. Get rid of a few of my projects.
7. Simplify my life.
8. Balance my checkbook regularly (ya right!)

So there you go. Hard to say if in a year I can look back and check off any of those as completed, but I hope I can.

2009 could prove to be an interesting year for us. I plan on contuning to grow in my professional life, embrace a new passion at the gym, and keep plodding along with school. This will be the year we will watch several of our family and friends start new chapters in their lives with wedding, and it may be the year we start a new chapter in ours. Who knows what the future will bring.

May it bring all of you everything that is great and good.