Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's a real winter wonderland....

I can't remember when the shift happened. The shift from absolutley hating snow and swearing at the sight of it, to, well, its not so bad.

Oh ya - when I started working at a location that easily gets snow days. As it has been snowing, literally, all day long, I am really hoping for one tomorrow. Not really because I want to get out of work (even though I do) but more because I really really don't want to drive all the way out to work in this crap. It's bad enough the DH has to drive all over Prosser tomorrow. There is really no good reason for me to go into work tomorrow. There is not a thing going on as it is a short week. So ya - wish me luck. Hopefully I will get to sleep in tomorrow.

On to other news. My class is finally done and I have a month off until the next one. I am so ready for this break. This grad school online thing is kind of interesting. Its not like this has been a HUGE time commitment on my part, but its like I always have this "thing" lurking in the back of my mind that there is always something to be done for school.

Nothing too exciting to report. Got all my Christmas shopping done, wrapped, and almost packed for the ride to Yakima. Looking forward to a nice holiday with the families. Of course, be it merry or not, at least I know it will be a while Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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