Sunday, March 15, 2009

Barking dogs, baby awkwardness and mini-lez fest 09

Now that I think about it....that is a really weird title.

In an attempt to get over my fear of social interaction with people I don't know, I went to a baby shower yesterday where I knew 2 of the 25 people there (one of them was obviously mom). I am still amazed at how I can stand in a room, in a corner and feel totally out of place, when there is no good reason for it. All of these women were around my age, all had jobs, and all were very friendly, and yet it took this monumental amount of effort for me to mingle and make small talk. Oh was still fun. Especially since there was wine. Of course the awkwardness I felt around other adults I didn't know pales in comparison to the awkwardness I felt around the new baby (the background here is that "mom" adopted, so the 8 week old baby was at the shower). Yes he's cute, and no, I don't want to hold him. Thanks though.

And so in preparation for attending said baby shower I spent over an hour at Fred Meyer's attempting to pick out a gift. I found myself walking aimlessly up and down the isles hoping to find that perfect something, and I realized I get the same feeling of being lost when I am in the power tool section at the Home Depot. Not too many months ago, I performed this same activity (looking for a baby gift at Fred Meyers) with my new Sister-in-law Sara, and while I was busy trying to figure out the difference between a "bumbo" and a "boppy" she managed to coo over everything, and still wind up with a decent looking gift. Just one more reason I am convinced I am not cut out for this motherhood business.

So let's see...what else. Oh yes. The dogs. I came home from work last Monday to grab Chase to take her to the vet and was greeted by a nice large note taped to our front door. Apparently our dogs have developed a barking problem. And apparently our neighbors now hate us. Brilliant. So after taking her to the vet for a check-up ($50) and talking with Sherman about the right course of action, I went back to our local pet store to purchase a bark collar ($65). Well, after trying said collar on her, Tuesday night our lovely couple from across the street came over to give us a "bark report" and while we were elated to find out that the bark collar quited the female, Newman, our male, let the whole neighborhood know of his presence. All morning long. So Tuesday night I went to a different pet store to purchase a "barking birdhouse" ($50). This ingenious little invention emits a irritating sound only dogs can hear whenever a dog barks near it. It's great (and I think it's working, but I need to get another report). The only problem is, is it only has a fifty foot range, so eventually I will need to buy another one for the other side of the house. So after kenneling Chase on Friday so we could go out of town, it's been an expensive dog week. Good thing she is so friggin cute.

And of course the big news of the week is:

1. Sherman is going out of town for 5 whole days!!!! Blessed solice and the bed all to myself!!
2. My two best friends are coming down for the weekend. Since our yearly "lez fest" usually happens in the fall, I am dubbing this weekend "Mini-lez fest 2009".

I absolutely love spending time with my girls. It is just what my soul and my attitude needs. So I have a feeling it will be a long week as I wait anxiously for their arrival. But once they get here, we are going to tear this town up! Well, maybe not...but I'm sure there will be some wine involved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You crack me up. Don't worry - you're not the only one who has troubles in the baby section of stores. My problem is doubled when I'm trying to purchase something for a baby boy. Baby girls are so much easier because the clothes are cute. But, even then, if you buy 0-6 months, will the baby grow out of them by 3 months, or not fit into them until 9 months? Will mom like them? And I have the same issue with a) parties and b) baby showers. The child is always cute, but I'm not usually the first one to hold the baby. Difference was with my niece - which makes me convinced when Rich and I start having kids, we'll have boys, and not girls.