Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nothing real interesting to talk about

I don't want to say that I have gotten lazy and thats why I have not blogged in 3+ weeks because its really more I don't have anything interesting to talk about.

Life School is school, job is job, life is life.

In a couple of weeks the Body Combat class I have been team teaching at the gym will officially be just "mine" so I am looking forward to that. Other than that...I'm just trying to get ready for what will be an interesting summer.

I really want to get out and ride more this summer than I have in the past. But as usual, I have just way too much crap on my plate to really be able to dedicate myself to riding. Case in point. This morning was the first really beautiful morning we have had this year. Was I able to go out and ride and enjoy it? No. At 9:30 this morning I had to be at Lourdes hospital to do a couple interviews for a class project, and at 3, I had practice for the upcoming Body Combat new release. Perfect day for riding wasted. Ug.

But this summer should be good. With no race car in the garage I feel like my summer has just completed opened up. Yes I will still have school, and I am going to take 3 classes over the 2 summer sessions, with one of them being my 3 day residency class, but I plan on taking time to ride, and hopefully kayak a bit, and train for a triathlon.

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