Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fallon's review of the Britney Spears concert - the good, the bad, and the very disturbing

So, for about 3 months now I have been the proud owner of a golden ticket to see Britney Spears in concert last Thursday in Tacoma. One of my best girlfriends asked if I wanted to go and I honestly couldn't think of a reason not to and I am so glad I went.

Now...I know what you are thinking....and let me just stop you. For all of her personal short comings, one has to give her credit for the fact she is a helluva performer. I do believe she has more talent in her little finger that I have now (or will ever have) in my entire body. And if you think I am wrong, then I challenge you to move/dance like her, in 5 inch heels...for 2+ hours.

Suffice to say it was one of the best shows I have ever seen. The circus act was first rate, the singing of the opening act (Pussycat Dolls) was fantastic, and all around, it was a great time.

Now...the crowd at this concert was entertaining in a completely different matter. Looking at some of the people at this concert was sort of like looking at a train wreck. It's's disturbing...and yet, I just can't look away. I saw more cellulite that night than I think I have seen in 5 years. More leg...more boob...just way too much skin in general being flashed around. I think the amazement came from the fact that there are people out there who are going to wear what they want regardless of what they look like or what anyone else thinks about them. This is kind of an interesting concept to me because I feel like I am always scrutinizing how I look. God forbid anyone think ill of me because of what I am wearing.

So the only real annoying part of the who night (aside from the 13 year olds who feel the need to scream that type of scream that makes normal people's ear's bleed) was the group of 5 girls sitting directly in front of us. These girls could not have been much older than 21 and I wouldn't even have guessed them for that old except they walked in with beer. Well it became very obvious very quickly that they were DRUNK. They were dancing and falling into each other, and dropping stuff on the people in front of them, and taking one drunk group photo after another ( many drunk group photos can one post on their MySpace page?).

Oh ya...and they kissed each other. Several times.

Now..let me just say one thing. I went to a college and lived in a town where homosexuality was prevalent. I'm not going to say it was blatant or offensive, but you knew it was part of the culture, and you knew who was apart of it (mainly the entire women's rugby team). And I don't have a problem with it. I figure what people do in their spare time is their business.

But when you get 5 younger (and presumably straight upon first inspection) females in a group and they start hugging and kissing each other, I become disturbed.

I have to say...even in the height of my partying years (which were very short) and even at my very drunk-est...never, ever, did it occur to me to kiss my best girl friends on the lips. I love them like sisters and I would give my life for them...but I don't need to swap spit with them. Seriously...when did this become a socially acceptable practice.

And toward the end of the concert, it became very apparent. Right before the encore, they showed a video montage of Britney's music videos, and other highlights of her career. And one part of the video was the kiss she shared with Madonna. It's all becoming clear to me now...

The clothes, the kissing, the lack of many of the people at this concert just want to be Britney. Hey, I get idolization...but there is a limit.

But all in all, I still have to say that it was one fantastic concert. And if you get the chance, I highly recommend you go. My iTunes is now about 10 songs heavier. That's right...all Britney songs that I now, really like.

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