Friday, June 12, 2009

3 days at Gonzaga - and a little Body Combat action.

Earlier this week I purchased the opportunity to spend 3 days on Gonzaga's campus with 4 professors from my Master's program. When I say I "purchased" I mean I registered for my residency class (how much it don't want to know). Anyway, griping about money aside, it was a really fun 3 days. The week didn't start out so good. Monday morning at 2:20 am, I was rudely awakened by the hotel's fire alarm...because the laundry room was actually on fire. After returning to my room at 3:30 I layed awake until my actual alarm went off at 4:45. At which point I got up to go do spin class at a gym down the road. So needless to say when I arrived at class at 8:30, I was a little tired. The week did improve from there. It was nice to be on a college campus, in an environment that is non-threatening, non-competitive, and most importantly, learning based. I would have made a great professional student. And so after 3 days, one of the projects I have to complete before July 6th is an online multi-media project. That will be posted on here as soon as I complete it. In the mean time, I am experimenting with some of the multi-media we have to use. During our time up there, they taught us how to use Microsoft Movie Maker. Now I am sure some of you are laughing at me in that I have never used this program - but I gotta tell you...ITS COOL! So I am posting a small "snippet" from my Body Combat submittal video to see how this all works on my home computer. It's only two minutes, and it makes me chuckle - maybe it will do the same for you.

1 comment:

Jim Stalker said...

You forgot the mention all the miserable people you met!