Thursday, June 18, 2009

Public Service Announcement

I don't have kids, but these last couple of weeks have given me a taste of what it might be like to have a kid - and a sick one at that. My public service announcement is for all your pet owners out there. Take note of where your pet goes in the yard. And keep in mind the areas in your yard that could be hazardous to your animal. We all know about anti-freeze - but have you thought about fertilizer? About a month ago, our cat, Thule, accidently got locked in our shed for about 3 hours. What we believed happened is that at some point in time she walked through some fertilizer and proceeded to lick it off her paws. Result was dramatic weight loss as a result of liver failure. I was kind of in denial that she was actually sick, so Sherman had to take her to the vet while I was at class in Spokane. So she's still around. Though you will see from the picture the array of meds I have to give her (some only 2x a day, some 6) it's been difficult trying to get her through this. She needs to be given ~9 oz of fluid a day. Ever tried to force feed a cat 9 oz of fluid? It's not as easy as you may think, and it takes all day. And as a small, insignificant side note - while I love this cat and I believe you shouldn't get a pet unless you can afford to take care of them, I'm $1000 into curing her, and I'm not done yet. So there you go. Take a look at your pets' environment and take note of the dangers.

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