Thursday, March 25, 2010

A time to blog

It's time I get off my lazy duff and update this blog. A lot has happened since I last blogged, and it's time I turn this blog from what was an avenue for me to perform some self reflection and more of, well, "Fallon's Pregnancy Blog". Not that that won't include some self reflection...but it's got to be more interesting that what I have been writing about.

So yes, the news is out - we're pregnant, expecting in September. It's been an interesting ride so far. Not without bumps along the way, but all in all, I can't complain. The sacrifices for the child have already started. Material sacrifices such as the sale of my kayak (a testament to the realization that I have to pare down my hobbies), and recreation sacrificies in the form of taking leave from teaching at the gym. Anyone who knows me even remotley well knows my love and passion for teaching at the gym. Well, after an especially nasty week of trying to teach through feeling like crap, I just decided I needed one less stressor in my life. I love the gym, but I love the gym when I feel good. And honestly, I have had two years of working at the gym, working at Hanford, and going to school, and I am just ready to have a selfish, commitment less summer. So far, it's been the best decision I have made. I love going to class and not having to think about anyone else but myself. I know that soon those good feelings will wane, and I will probably want to be back teaching again, but right now, I'm loving it.

Part of that commitment less summer is not only getting rid of the gym, but also getting rid of school. As of the end of April, I will have also accomplished that goal. I got my research done, and am in the deep throws of writing this thesis. So far, it's going well, and I have a pretty clear picture of what I need to do to get it finished. So I have probably another 15-20 hours of dedicated work, and I should be done. Graduation announcements have arrived, and I will be picking up my academic attire for graduation soon!

So, there is the quick synopsis of my life currently. In the coming months I am sure I will come here to share my thoughts on pregnancy, my fears of giving birth, my questions about being a on and so forth. Hope to see some of you along the way! :)

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