Tuesday, April 15, 2008

coming down from a complete high...

I have had trouble starting this post because I really want to post a picture from my race on Sunday. Problem is that I can't find the charger for my camera battery and its driving me nuts. I am subject to ordering a replacement on EBAY (ok, seriously Sony, how can you charge over $100 for a charger???)

But on to bigger and better things. The big news is of course my completion of my first half marathon on Sunday. While I feel great about this feat, I am served the reminder that I am indeed not a runner. I need to stop trying to convince myself otherwise. But the race was fun and rainy. I have actually been trying to train for this for quite a few months. Building miles and doing tempo runs - oh yes, I can talk like real runner.

But when it comes down to crunch time, I decide to go ahead and get an obnoxious cold - one that today, over two weeks later, is still with me. So, needless to say my finishing time (2:12) was nothing special, but hey, its a PR!

So - from this comes my internal question as to why I feel the need to do stuff like this. I don't know that I really like running, I don't hate it, but I think I am more hooked on this feeling of completing something. Like if I can run 13.1 miles then I am something special. I'm not - really anyone can go out an run 13.1 miles - its really not that far.

But what next? Will I feel like I am something special if I can complete 26.2 miles? Am I capable of running a marathon? I didn't think i was capable of a half marathon, I didn't think I was capable of a century. But again - why do I need to continually need to see how far I can push myself?

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