Wednesday, November 11, 2009

coming back down...

October was an especially crazy month. Stupid crazy. But it's done and I survived. I took my first "B" (albeit a B+) in my coursework, but I'm honestly okay with that. The class was challenging, and if I had not been taking another class co-currently I probably could have done better - but who really cares?

It's getting close to Thanksgiving. Close to Christmas...close to the end of the year. Some events of this week have brought me to look back on '09 and evaluate. While there were moments, all in all, I can say it's been a good year. I have worked hard to get where I'm at, and I am proud of the things I have accomplished. I've set goals, and accomplished some, and still working on others.

As 2009 rounds out I can now say I have lived in this town for over 6 years. In those six years I found love, what I hope to be a career, and several passions along the way. I've learned a lot about myself, and I've learned a lot about other people, and my relationships with them. I have some great relationships. Some I get to experience everyday, and some I get to experience only on occasion. I'm very appreciative for all my relationships. Some I get to enjoy and embrace, some I get to learn and grow from. Some grow stronger every day, and others wilt and fade away. Whatever the state of the relationship, it's been a blessing.

To all my friends - currently and in the past - thank you for your blessings.

Friday, October 2, 2009

No time

I've been a super lousy poster lately. Trust me when I say my facebook page has not been much better. It's just that in the last 5 weeks or so, my life has exploded into a form of craziness that I cannot quite describe. Simply put, I have way way too much stuff going on right now. Work has been especially busy with dealines approaching for required trainings, pressure from bosses to get things caught up, drama with people (those close to me know way too much about that subject) and the list goes on. Realistically, I should be working some serious OT, but the fact of the matter is, I can't. I am also trying to get 2 classes done right now for school, and that eats up a lot of my spare time. I really don't know what I was thinking taking these two classes this session (scratch that, I know what I was thinking....I WANT TO BE DONE) but I have survived 5 weeks of the maddess of that, and so I only have 3 to go, and then go ahead and tack on increased gym drama combined with trying to memorize new chorey for launch...and I'm officially burned out.

I'm trying to manage everything the best I can, which doesn't exactly mean sitting here and writin on my blog, but I had to break from writing a paper. So anyway, to any of my friends who feel neglected...don't. And I wish I had something more interesting to put here...but the only thoughts running through my head right now pertain to writing my paper on the movie "12 Angry Men". Laters.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My 10 year high school reunion

Friday night I traveled back to Yakima for a night of reconnection with people I spent a great deal of time with 10 years ago. The husband did not attend with me, which was fine, and all in all, it was a good night.

High school for me was the epitome of awkward. I was a completly different person then. Hard to believe, but I was much more opinionated, and frankly, bitchy, then I am now. I was excited to "show" people the person I have become.

But the night came around, and I really didn't conversate with those people who I wanted to show up. It was like the same high school cliques 10 years later. Now, that might sound a bit harsh, but I mainly spent the night with the same group of people I was friends with 10 years ago. It was really nice to reconnect with them, and it made me miss them.

There was a part of me that didn't want to go. That part of me that remembers how I felt in high school. Intimidated, trying to fit in with people who were prettier, smarter, more athletic, more funny, and all around, just better people (or at least I thought at the time). I didn't need another night of trying to feel equal to those people. It was really funny to see how 10 years changed people though. Not so much physically, but humanly. 10 years later, we were all working adults, some with kids, some married, but adults. Those people who treated me like absolute crap in high school wanted to know how I was, what I was doing, if I was married....and some of those people I didn't even remembe their names. What does that say about me?

But at the end of the night, I had a really good time reconnecting with the friends that mattered the most - and enjoyed seeing the different paths people have taken over the past 10 years. Wonder what the next 10 will bring.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's been a while...

My summer brought with it a new definition of crazy.

For four weeks I was enrolled in 3 classes. Sufice to say I will not be doing that again (though I will be doing another session of 2 at a time in the fall) and pile on top of that being in a wedding and taking the first real vacation with the DH in like 7 years, I have hardly had a moment to do anything real enjoyable. Like blog.

Without whining too badly I do want to say that I am tired. Tired of always feeling like I have too much to do and not enough time to get it done it. But things will be better for a few weeks while I am on a break from school.

The DH and I took a nice trip to Boston and Buffalo. While in Boston we watched my uncle retire from the Coast Guard (was a 2 star admiral) and then took in a few of the sites. From there we traveled to Buffalo to see Niagra Falls and the Hockey Hall of Fame. It was really not a "relaxing" vacation, but it was fun. And it was nice to get away from all of the craziness for a few days. Of course, the craziness just waited for us to return.

So, sadly enough - I have nothing exciting to write about. I am getting ready to participate in my first triathlon in a couple weeks. This should be an interesting experience. Of course I would love to be able to be training for it right now - but it's too hot. It's too hot to do much of anything except sit inside and blog.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How to train future servant-leaders

Watch if you think you might be interested in my approach to training future servant-leaders in my organization. Skip if you don't care.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Communication in the Community: Ice Harbor Brewing Company

I once made the mistake of ordering a Coors Light in this pub. It was served to me in a paper bag. “What’s with the paper bag?” I inquired to the bartender who was very serious about my beer wrapping. “It’s so the locals don’t hassle you” he responded. Looking around the pub, I don’t see a whole lot of paper bags. In fact, mine is the only one. Could I really have been the only person here who ordered a bottled beer? As it turns out, I was. The patrons of this pub, known for its micro brews, range in age from the barely legal to the more refined generations. And they apparently know more about the beer here than I do. Ice Harbor was established in 1997 and has since grown their wide customer base not just by serving great beer, but also by serving their community. Ice Harbor didn’t get to be known around the Tri-Cities by just having good beer. Marketing, and an active presence at local events have helped this community connect the name “Ice Harbor Brewery” to Tri-cities. Mike Hall, owner of the pub, states they participate in about 40 community events each year. These events range from small private weddings, to weekly concerts in the park, to the largest event of our community, the yearly Water Follies. Of course, you don’t leave your mark on a community just by showing up to their events to sell your product; you leave that mark by how you serve your community. In addition to a great amount of money given to local events and charities, “I’ve never seen Mike turn anyone away who’s asked for a raffle donation” quotes Freeman, a long time pub employee. Ice Harbor has two locations. One, a pub and family restaurant, brings together food, beer, and ambiance reflective of the Columbia Basin. The “Ice Harbor, Clover Island” is a brightly decorated establishment. A nautical theme, common to the Columbia River serves central to the pub’s décor. The walls are lined with pictures, news clippings, and other tokens representative of the Columbia River and Valley. I look up to my right at one of the news clippings. It is a picture of George Bush II, shaking hands with some workers. The caption reads “President Bush visits Ice Harbor Dam, August 22nd, 2003”. Looking around at the dining families, one wonders if parents are teaching their children the benefit of supporting local business. In a world of PF Changs, McDonalds, and Applebees, a successful small pub/restaurant can be hard to find. It hasn’t always been years of patrons filling the pubs, or a continual presence throughout the community. Ice Harbor has become successful the same way most do – through years of hard work and learning from failure. “The first seven years were really rough for the business” says Hall. “We tried radio, television, rural marketing – people went back to other part time jobs, invested more of their money into the business, and did what they needed to make the business go” says Hall. Today, it seems those efforts have paid off.
I tell the waiter I want the dish most reflective of the “Ice Harbor” pub (and one that will compliment my tangerine “Exbeerience” Hefeweizen). He recommends the Halibut and Chips – because the batter on the fish is made with the pubs own pale ale as a base. Though I’m not a particular fan of fried foods, I know this Halibut will be different, and perhaps much better than halibut I have had anywhere else. While waiting for my food, I ask “why is this place different?”. Looking around, it is obvious the patrons have come for much more than just a bite to eat and a good beer. They have come to enjoy the ambiance of a pub next to the river, which is unlike any other restaurant in town. People are not in a hurry to leave. They casually drink their beer or wine, amongst the company of friends. Watching the patrons, it becomes obvious how a local successful business helps to make communication in the community come full circle. The people of Tri-Cities give their dollars to Ice Harbor in exchange for a good product in a pleasing environment, and Ice Harbor gives their dollars back in support of the things that make this community a great place to live. NOTE: The musician seen playing at the bar at the end of the video is the talented Jim Basnight. He wrote and sang the songs heard at the beginning of the Ice Harbor video, and the songs playing during the interviews toward the end. If you like what you hear, check him out at

Friday, June 26, 2009

very cool night

So I just have to share with you all (all 3 of you) a really cool experience I had tonight. I went down to Ice Harbor Brew pub (the original location) with the sole purpose of having 1 beer, being a weird stalker in the corner, to get some video of the life there to finish my project for one of my classes. Well, I sat by myself at a table for quite some time nursing my beer (their "Summer Lager" which I have to say is quite good). The bar had a solo guitarist playing and I had already talked to him to let him know I would be taping and that I wanted to interview him. Well, I was patiently waiting for him to finish his set so I could get my interview and leave, and the table next to me asked me if I wanted to join them.

Now I have to say, I think people my age don't just ask strangers to join their table of friends. I am so glad these people did, because they ended up being the neatest group of people I have met in a very long time. I don't often go out by myself (because, lets face it - it's not very fun or a very cool thing to do) but on this night - going out by myself enabled me to me some really cool people, hear some really great music, and hopefully get enough good footage to get an A on my project!

I'm just smiling right now. :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Test post

This is just a test post to see if the link worked between my blog and my facebook page. Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Public Service Announcement

I don't have kids, but these last couple of weeks have given me a taste of what it might be like to have a kid - and a sick one at that. My public service announcement is for all your pet owners out there. Take note of where your pet goes in the yard. And keep in mind the areas in your yard that could be hazardous to your animal. We all know about anti-freeze - but have you thought about fertilizer? About a month ago, our cat, Thule, accidently got locked in our shed for about 3 hours. What we believed happened is that at some point in time she walked through some fertilizer and proceeded to lick it off her paws. Result was dramatic weight loss as a result of liver failure. I was kind of in denial that she was actually sick, so Sherman had to take her to the vet while I was at class in Spokane. So she's still around. Though you will see from the picture the array of meds I have to give her (some only 2x a day, some 6) it's been difficult trying to get her through this. She needs to be given ~9 oz of fluid a day. Ever tried to force feed a cat 9 oz of fluid? It's not as easy as you may think, and it takes all day. And as a small, insignificant side note - while I love this cat and I believe you shouldn't get a pet unless you can afford to take care of them, I'm $1000 into curing her, and I'm not done yet. So there you go. Take a look at your pets' environment and take note of the dangers.

Friday, June 12, 2009

3 days at Gonzaga - and a little Body Combat action.

Earlier this week I purchased the opportunity to spend 3 days on Gonzaga's campus with 4 professors from my Master's program. When I say I "purchased" I mean I registered for my residency class (how much it don't want to know). Anyway, griping about money aside, it was a really fun 3 days. The week didn't start out so good. Monday morning at 2:20 am, I was rudely awakened by the hotel's fire alarm...because the laundry room was actually on fire. After returning to my room at 3:30 I layed awake until my actual alarm went off at 4:45. At which point I got up to go do spin class at a gym down the road. So needless to say when I arrived at class at 8:30, I was a little tired. The week did improve from there. It was nice to be on a college campus, in an environment that is non-threatening, non-competitive, and most importantly, learning based. I would have made a great professional student. And so after 3 days, one of the projects I have to complete before July 6th is an online multi-media project. That will be posted on here as soon as I complete it. In the mean time, I am experimenting with some of the multi-media we have to use. During our time up there, they taught us how to use Microsoft Movie Maker. Now I am sure some of you are laughing at me in that I have never used this program - but I gotta tell you...ITS COOL! So I am posting a small "snippet" from my Body Combat submittal video to see how this all works on my home computer. It's only two minutes, and it makes me chuckle - maybe it will do the same for you.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A lesson for all you fitness freaks...

So about a month ago I stepped on the scale. I know I shouldn't do these things, but I did. I was shocked at what I saw. So ever since I have been feeling a little extra focused (more than usual) about my weight and exercise. Consequently the last few weeks I have done a few more workouts that I would normally do. Nothing intense, just more.

There is a reason they say rest is so important.

So, last Saturday I took spin, and taught combat. That Sunday I got in a 30 mile bike ride, and two softball games. Believe it or not, I think it was the 2 softballs games that did me in. On Monday I felt some unusual soreness in both my quads. Not the soreness like "oh man I did some intense squats yesterday" but soreness much deeper in my muscles. I felt it all week long.

I took Combat on Monday. I taught Spin on Tuesday. I taught spin on Wednesday. I taught Combat on Thursday. I golfed 18 holes on Friday, and Saturday morning I decied to practice my new combat cd in my living room.

About half way through the release I came down just right on my right leg and that was it. Whatever I started on Sunday I finished this morning. So tomorrow will tell if I just pulled the hell out of my quad or if its actually torn. The immediate and intense pain felt this morning makes me think its torn, but we shall see. Looks like I might be getting some forced time off from the gym.

Moral of the story: Sometimes the mind is not stronger than the body. And when the body speaks loudly, it should be listened to.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A momentus feat...

For some unknown reason, when the DH and I got married, we got NO cross family photos. Consequently I have been trying ever since to get as many of the family together to get a photo done.

And this weekend looked like it was still not going to happen. The photographer (who I have had booked for several weeks) called me on Saturday morning to cancel, because it was raining. Well, much to my dismay it got really nice about 2 hours after the time we were supposed to do it. Well, after sulking for the rest of the day on Saturday my mother goes "Well, what about Sunday?" So we reschedule it for today and the weather tried really hard to ruin our plans AGAIN, but we were able to get it done. So I think there will be some really good photos of Mom, Dad, me, Sherman, the in-laws, and of course...our children, Newman and Chase. I am really excited to see how they turned out.

As a side note, I am done with school unil May 18th. I'm feeling a little lost right now not having anything immediatley due. Of course, I know I need to enjoy it because the rest of the summer is going to really suck as far as school is concerned. But come the end of summer I will be nearly done with this program. Yea!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Big Weekend

Well, it's been a busy 3 days.

The husband turned 35 today. I'm trying to remember that one day I too will be 35, and won't consider myself old. So I probably shouldn't call him old either.

The exciting news of the weekend: we bought a new car. Now let me preface this with I HATE buying cars. We got the truck last year and that was painful, and I really wasn't looking forward to this purchase either. But last week the DH's work car died, and it is not very economically smart for either one of us to consider the truck to be a daily driver. So for the vast majority of the day Friday I shopped car lots. What a pain in the butt. Even having worked at a dealership for nearly 4 years I still can't stand salesmen. But at the end of the day, I had 4 cars, each at different lots that had peaked my interest.

And so after a morning of discussng options with the hub, we made the smart choice. Now when I say we made the smart choice, we chose the car that had the fewest miles (17,000), the least obnoxious color (steel grey), the best warranty (6 years 60,000 miles) and of course, the cheapest price tag (~$10,000) and consequently we now own probably the most boring car on the road, a 2008 Kia Optima. I looked at Subaru's, Nissan's, and even a Fusion that all would have been great, fun cars to own, but in the end, we chose the one that would have the least painful monthly payment. So I cry a little bit when I think about the DH driving my Camry (re: my baby) everyday, but at least it's staying in the family.

And so the other big news of the weekend is that I actually got out to ride my bike this morning. The weather was so gorgeous I had to go out. I only did 20 miles because with launch happening yesterday, I think I have had hard workouts 6 days in a row, and I teach 5 days next week. It sure felt good to get out.

I am currently having mental trauma as I try to decide whether I want to put myself on the "fast track" to finishing school. It would mean taking 2 classes nearly every session from now, until the end of the year. The program is set up so that you are really are only supposed to take one class a session, but that would mean I would not be done until August 2010, and not get to "walk" until May, 2011 (Gonzaga only holdes one graduation a year). So, I am hoping to be able to make that decision here sometime soon. If I decide to do it, I will probably have to shut down all things fun, including this blog.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fallon's review of the Britney Spears concert - the good, the bad, and the very disturbing

So, for about 3 months now I have been the proud owner of a golden ticket to see Britney Spears in concert last Thursday in Tacoma. One of my best girlfriends asked if I wanted to go and I honestly couldn't think of a reason not to and I am so glad I went.

Now...I know what you are thinking....and let me just stop you. For all of her personal short comings, one has to give her credit for the fact she is a helluva performer. I do believe she has more talent in her little finger that I have now (or will ever have) in my entire body. And if you think I am wrong, then I challenge you to move/dance like her, in 5 inch heels...for 2+ hours.

Suffice to say it was one of the best shows I have ever seen. The circus act was first rate, the singing of the opening act (Pussycat Dolls) was fantastic, and all around, it was a great time.

Now...the crowd at this concert was entertaining in a completely different matter. Looking at some of the people at this concert was sort of like looking at a train wreck. It's's disturbing...and yet, I just can't look away. I saw more cellulite that night than I think I have seen in 5 years. More leg...more boob...just way too much skin in general being flashed around. I think the amazement came from the fact that there are people out there who are going to wear what they want regardless of what they look like or what anyone else thinks about them. This is kind of an interesting concept to me because I feel like I am always scrutinizing how I look. God forbid anyone think ill of me because of what I am wearing.

So the only real annoying part of the who night (aside from the 13 year olds who feel the need to scream that type of scream that makes normal people's ear's bleed) was the group of 5 girls sitting directly in front of us. These girls could not have been much older than 21 and I wouldn't even have guessed them for that old except they walked in with beer. Well it became very obvious very quickly that they were DRUNK. They were dancing and falling into each other, and dropping stuff on the people in front of them, and taking one drunk group photo after another ( many drunk group photos can one post on their MySpace page?).

Oh ya...and they kissed each other. Several times.

Now..let me just say one thing. I went to a college and lived in a town where homosexuality was prevalent. I'm not going to say it was blatant or offensive, but you knew it was part of the culture, and you knew who was apart of it (mainly the entire women's rugby team). And I don't have a problem with it. I figure what people do in their spare time is their business.

But when you get 5 younger (and presumably straight upon first inspection) females in a group and they start hugging and kissing each other, I become disturbed.

I have to say...even in the height of my partying years (which were very short) and even at my very drunk-est...never, ever, did it occur to me to kiss my best girl friends on the lips. I love them like sisters and I would give my life for them...but I don't need to swap spit with them. Seriously...when did this become a socially acceptable practice.

And toward the end of the concert, it became very apparent. Right before the encore, they showed a video montage of Britney's music videos, and other highlights of her career. And one part of the video was the kiss she shared with Madonna. It's all becoming clear to me now...

The clothes, the kissing, the lack of many of the people at this concert just want to be Britney. Hey, I get idolization...but there is a limit.

But all in all, I still have to say that it was one fantastic concert. And if you get the chance, I highly recommend you go. My iTunes is now about 10 songs heavier. That's right...all Britney songs that I now, really like.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nothing real interesting to talk about

I don't want to say that I have gotten lazy and thats why I have not blogged in 3+ weeks because its really more I don't have anything interesting to talk about.

Life School is school, job is job, life is life.

In a couple of weeks the Body Combat class I have been team teaching at the gym will officially be just "mine" so I am looking forward to that. Other than that...I'm just trying to get ready for what will be an interesting summer.

I really want to get out and ride more this summer than I have in the past. But as usual, I have just way too much crap on my plate to really be able to dedicate myself to riding. Case in point. This morning was the first really beautiful morning we have had this year. Was I able to go out and ride and enjoy it? No. At 9:30 this morning I had to be at Lourdes hospital to do a couple interviews for a class project, and at 3, I had practice for the upcoming Body Combat new release. Perfect day for riding wasted. Ug.

But this summer should be good. With no race car in the garage I feel like my summer has just completed opened up. Yes I will still have school, and I am going to take 3 classes over the 2 summer sessions, with one of them being my 3 day residency class, but I plan on taking time to ride, and hopefully kayak a bit, and train for a triathlon.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Barking dogs, baby awkwardness and mini-lez fest 09

Now that I think about it....that is a really weird title.

In an attempt to get over my fear of social interaction with people I don't know, I went to a baby shower yesterday where I knew 2 of the 25 people there (one of them was obviously mom). I am still amazed at how I can stand in a room, in a corner and feel totally out of place, when there is no good reason for it. All of these women were around my age, all had jobs, and all were very friendly, and yet it took this monumental amount of effort for me to mingle and make small talk. Oh was still fun. Especially since there was wine. Of course the awkwardness I felt around other adults I didn't know pales in comparison to the awkwardness I felt around the new baby (the background here is that "mom" adopted, so the 8 week old baby was at the shower). Yes he's cute, and no, I don't want to hold him. Thanks though.

And so in preparation for attending said baby shower I spent over an hour at Fred Meyer's attempting to pick out a gift. I found myself walking aimlessly up and down the isles hoping to find that perfect something, and I realized I get the same feeling of being lost when I am in the power tool section at the Home Depot. Not too many months ago, I performed this same activity (looking for a baby gift at Fred Meyers) with my new Sister-in-law Sara, and while I was busy trying to figure out the difference between a "bumbo" and a "boppy" she managed to coo over everything, and still wind up with a decent looking gift. Just one more reason I am convinced I am not cut out for this motherhood business.

So let's see...what else. Oh yes. The dogs. I came home from work last Monday to grab Chase to take her to the vet and was greeted by a nice large note taped to our front door. Apparently our dogs have developed a barking problem. And apparently our neighbors now hate us. Brilliant. So after taking her to the vet for a check-up ($50) and talking with Sherman about the right course of action, I went back to our local pet store to purchase a bark collar ($65). Well, after trying said collar on her, Tuesday night our lovely couple from across the street came over to give us a "bark report" and while we were elated to find out that the bark collar quited the female, Newman, our male, let the whole neighborhood know of his presence. All morning long. So Tuesday night I went to a different pet store to purchase a "barking birdhouse" ($50). This ingenious little invention emits a irritating sound only dogs can hear whenever a dog barks near it. It's great (and I think it's working, but I need to get another report). The only problem is, is it only has a fifty foot range, so eventually I will need to buy another one for the other side of the house. So after kenneling Chase on Friday so we could go out of town, it's been an expensive dog week. Good thing she is so friggin cute.

And of course the big news of the week is:

1. Sherman is going out of town for 5 whole days!!!! Blessed solice and the bed all to myself!!
2. My two best friends are coming down for the weekend. Since our yearly "lez fest" usually happens in the fall, I am dubbing this weekend "Mini-lez fest 2009".

I absolutely love spending time with my girls. It is just what my soul and my attitude needs. So I have a feeling it will be a long week as I wait anxiously for their arrival. But once they get here, we are going to tear this town up! Well, maybe not...but I'm sure there will be some wine involved.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

When you don't have kids...

You are left to gush about your dogs. Thats right...I said dogs. Plural. As in, two.

So we went ahead and added a new dog to our family. This dog came to us with the name of "Princess" and since I couldn't call her that name without getting a little quesy, we have sinced changed her name to "Chase".

And so I have to say... she is just a darling. She is quite a bit smaller than our other moose of a boxer and has just a sweet personality. It made me smile tonight when Sherman said "she's been a good addition".

So far it's been fun having both of them. Outside of having to buy another dog house today (to the tune of $150) she has been a lot of fun. And I think Newman appreciates her as well.

So anyway....what else? Well, another one bit the dust last weekend. Sherman's brother, Clennon, married his girl Sara in a nice little ceremony in Mt. Vernon. The ceremony was nice, the reception was fun, and I drank way, way too much white wine. I find the older I get, I get a lot smarter about the way I drink. No longer do I think any drink with a "name" (think "Fuzzy Navel" or "Sex on the Beach") is a good idea. Of course that does not stop me from drinking enough wine and beer to regret it the next morning. Oh well, all in the name of fun.

And so one wedding down, two (possibly three) to go. It's a big wedding year for Sherman and I. But that's okay because I love weddings. Especially cake.
I am one week away from finishing my fourth class in my master's program. That would be approx 1/3 the way done. It feels like I should be so much further. Sigh.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A potential new addition to the family

So we are potentially adding a new member to the family tonight. On Saturday I stopped into our neightborhood pet store, Blylee's Animal Health center, to pick up some treats for the pets and on my way out there was a card on their reader board for a female brindle boxer needing a home. Well, I probably should have just walked on, but I didn't. I called the number and talked to the family. They are bringer her over tonight to check out our residence to see if she is a good fit.

I am not so sure we need another dog....but we have always wanted to get Newman a friend, and this might be a good thing. Who knows...we shall see. Will keep you posted.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl 43

I am sad to say that yet another great football season is quickly coming to an end. And nothing would make me more happy than to see Arizona kick the living crap out of Pittsburg.

So to my sister living in Mesa, and all who are still bitter over the Hawk/Steeler debalce, GO CARDS!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Can you tell I've started another class?

As it's been nearly 3 weeks since my last post? Sad, very sad. And of course I am now writing this post because I am avoiding having to write a paper.

This has been an interesting week for me. Not in the sense that anything dramatic happened, rather I have just been kind of moody and I don't know why. I theorize that it's because I am in desperate need of some girlfriend time (which I am) but rather I think it's because I'm a tad bit burned out. Even though I am only 1 week into this class, it's got A TON of reading, some of which is a little challenging. Couple that with trying to memorize chorey for my classes at the gym, deal with a new boss at work, and everything else....

And over the next 8 weeks we have 2 trips to Bellingham planned, 1 (possibly 2) trips to Spokane planned, and a trip back to Seattle. We travel this much in the summer. I don't really want to travel this much in the winter as well. Ick...

Ok, if I continue on much more I fear I am going to make myself look like a whiner. I am going to quit now, and post when I'm in a better mood.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow, 2009 is officially upon us. What do I want to do differently with this year than the past?

I resolve to:

1. Worry less about what I think people think about me (because I'm usually wrong).
2. Spend more time finding the good in people.
3. Be a better wife.
4. Worry less about what I look like below the neck.
5. Quit taking on new projects.
6. Get rid of a few of my projects.
7. Simplify my life.
8. Balance my checkbook regularly (ya right!)

So there you go. Hard to say if in a year I can look back and check off any of those as completed, but I hope I can.

2009 could prove to be an interesting year for us. I plan on contuning to grow in my professional life, embrace a new passion at the gym, and keep plodding along with school. This will be the year we will watch several of our family and friends start new chapters in their lives with wedding, and it may be the year we start a new chapter in ours. Who knows what the future will bring.

May it bring all of you everything that is great and good.